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Political Awareness & Involvement

Delta Sigma Theta, Inc., understands the need for political involvement and empowerment. Through the Social Action Commission, the members of the sorority and their respective communities gain a greater appreciation of their potential for influence in those communities. Also through Social Action, there is increased knowledge of both domestic and foreign issues and how these issues affect the needs of African Americans and other people of the African Diaspora.

The mission of the Social Action Commission is to produce leadership, advocacy, and empowerment to effect social change and public policy. The Commission links leaders and organizations through education and communication to promote progressive public policy that results in the improved well-being of individuals and families, especially African Americans.

Portland Alumnae Chapter has addressed past and current issues of Political Awareness and Involvement through activities such as:

  • Public forum on domestic violence

  • Co-sponsoring Christmas parties for children of prison inmates

  • Representation at Delta Days at the Nation’s Capital

  • Delta Days at the State Capital

  • Voter registration

  • Meet the Candidates from voting districts

  • Meeting with local school boards 

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